Love Your Life!

Thoughts take root in your mind, and have the power to bear great fruit. I took a personality test once and it used the term "Unrealistic Dreamer" to describe my personality. Since that day I've been haunted by those two words.

Thoughts take root in your mind, and have the power to bear great fruit.

I love trees. All types and sizes. The first thing I look for in a tree, is if it is easy to climb. Then, I will scan for the perfect spot to hide out high above the ground nestled in its branches. Of course, I rarely get to do that anymore. Practically never. The thought of bugs keeps me from such a playful adventure. But I still imagine and yearn to play in trees.

I have come across many majestic trees. I love the presence of peace I feel among them. Peace and strength. Wisdom. I can sense the truth of power, intelligence, love, & creation within the them. Ever flowing. Constantly there. Available to us. Even within us.

“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he:”

Proverbs 23:7

I took a personality test once. In description of my personality, it used the term “Unrealistic Dreamer.” Since that day I’ve been haunted by those two words.

It is true I am a dreamer. But am I dreaming of unrealistic things?  I do believe in what others see as unlikely or impossible things. If you tell me something can’t be done, I’ll disagree that there is always a way, we just haven’t thought of it yet.

Well, today I came across the following statement in the book, As A Man Thinketh, by James Allen, “The dreamers are the saviors of the world. He who cherishes a beautiful vision, will one day realize it.” -HA! There we go! My dreaming isn’t a playful pretense. It is a process of creation!

It is easy for me to believe. Similar to a child, I think. Which I’m actually grateful for. In fact I’m ready to embrace this part of me instead of struggle with it. I am different than most people. But that is what makes me, me. And rather than feel  like there is something wrong with me, I want to embrace that part of me. I want to accept that part of me with love and confidence.

This puts me in a great place to create. It aligns me with the truth of power, intelligence, love, & creation that is within me. I can use all those beautiful tools with knowledge and intention to create a life I love living.

“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he:” 

My thoughts create, even blossom, into great and delicious fruit. Life is good. I see the good and so it is good.