Think and Grow Healthy


My goal is to educate and elevate!

Every area of my life is sprouting change. For the last 5 years, my greatest desire has been to remember the truth of who I am. I have been on an incredible transformative journey to love and I am excited to share!


Every area of your life, affects your health.


I am deeply connected through my writings. I often find myself yearning for quiet time to sit in spirit, to let go of the world, and just be still. And write.

Something happens in those moments. Words cannot accurately describe what is taking place. But there is a very real connection. Writing is my way of connecting to self and the truth within. It is a spiritual process. One that is glorious!

I love mornings when I wake up and smile, I open my arms outstretched, and I start expressing what I am grateful for in that moment. The gratitude flows so authentically. It is a powerful way to start your day.
Understanding how much our life span depends on our gut health, changes everything for me. I VALUE my life too much to not care for my body in the best way that I can. Our quality of life is determined by the state of our bodies.
After I returned home from my morning walk, I looked into the mirror next to my front door, and I felt love. I felt a strong assurance of who I am. I am Leesa. I am beautiful. I am a light. I am love. I am truth. I am a divine daughter of God.
Love Your Life!
Thoughts take root in your mind, and have the power to bear great fruit. I took a personality test once and it used the term "Unrealistic Dreamer" to describe my personality. Since that day I've been haunted by those two words.
Love Your Body!
Through self love and acceptance I am coming alive. My relationship with myself is truly BLOSSOMING INTO SOMETHING AMAZING! I’m discovering that the relationship I have with myself is the key to all relationships. 
You Enhance!
Just before waking, I remember the phrase, “we are the color of the earth.” I awoke as I began to vocally respond by saying, “ I like to say we are the FLAVOR of the earth.”  I don’t remember anymore of the conversation. I so wish I did.