


I love mornings when I wake up and smile, I open my arms outstretched, and I start expressing what I am grateful for in that moment. The gratitude flows so authentically. It is a powerful way to start your day.


Understanding how much our life span depends on our gut health, changes everything for me. I VALUE my life too much to not care for my body in the best way that I can. Our quality of life is determined by the state of our bodies.


After I returned home from my morning walk, I looked into the mirror next to my front door, and I felt love. I felt a strong assurance of who I am. I am Leesa. I am beautiful. I am a light. I am love. I am truth. I am a divine daughter of God.

Love Your Body!

Through self love and acceptance I am coming alive. My relationship with myself is truly BLOSSOMING INTO SOMETHING AMAZING! I’m discovering that the relationship I have with myself is the key to all relationships. 

Love Your Life!

Thoughts take root in your mind, and have the power to bear great fruit. I took a personality test once and it used the term "Unrealistic Dreamer" to describe my personality. Since that day I've been haunted by those two words.

You Enhance!

Just before waking, I remember the phrase, “we are the color of the earth.” I awoke as I began to vocally respond by saying, “ I like to say we are the FLAVOR of the earth.”  I don’t remember anymore of the conversation. I so wish I did.