Love Your Body!

Through self love and acceptance I am coming alive. My relationship with myself is truly BLOSSOMING INTO SOMETHING AMAZING! I’m discovering that the relationship I have with myself is the key to all relationships. 

Love Your Body!

The girl I am, is ready to be seen!!


Through self love and acceptance I am coming alive. My relationship with myself is truly BLOSSOMING INTO SOMETHING AMAZING!

I’m discovering that the relationship I have with myself is the key to all relationships. 

Before I can have a healthy relationship with anyone else, I need a healthy relationship with myself. Plus the experience gained from having a healthy relationship (with self) becomes a model to pattern other relationships after.

I am amazed at the amount of love and acceptance I feel for myself. I am literally transformed by it. 

The face I see looking back at me in the mirror each morning is one of light and I am lit up by it every day. I can’t help but smile back at my reflection with adoration and respect. The woman I see is confident and powerful. She really can change the world. 

I cherish her. I want to be her. She amazes me. I am her. 💗💗💗

I post this in humility and appreciation for God. He has provided the light I desperately needed in recognizing my self worth. For years I pleaded with Him. Desperate to be free of self judgement and the pain that came with it. I wanted so badly to be free of fear. Fear of being seen. Because I wasn’t enough.

How grateful I am to finally be free of my false beliefs and unhealthily brain patterns. How grateful I am to finally know who I am. How grateful I am to live in love, light, & truth. I am free to be me. 🙌🤗🙏


Brain Patterns Background